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60 Minutes Season 32 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Kipp, Frank McCourt, Playing Ball with the KGB
2Dutch, Vice Versa
3The Blue Wall of Silence, TB, David L. Wolper
4Ron Reagan on Ronald Reagan, The Scuffed Halls of Ivy: Emory University, Doing the Right Thing?
5Why So Expensive?, Cop Killer, Strive, a Second Look
6President Bradley?, Knee Deep in Fraud, Cruising for Fun and Profit
7You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, The Pill, The Eyes
8On Trial for Murder, Lord of the Manor, A Doctor in the House?, Con Man
9Haiti: 5 Years & A Billion Dollars Later, Gold in Them Thar Schools, Oh Lord!
10Untouchable?, Carol Burnett, R.U.C.
11Suicide or Murder?, Not as Private as You Think, Slam!
12Miranda, Columbia's Andres Pastrana, President Gore?
13Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Rumpole of the Bailey, Agent Orange
14The Secrecy Clause, Big Chicken, Hello, I'm in Finland
15D.U., Miracle on 43rd Street, Wanted
16Need Cash?, Bill Parcells, His Honor, the Mayor
17Adopt Me, Denzel, Boris Yeltsin
18MTBE, Ben Zander
19Southern Exposure, Come Dancing, Kevin Mitnick, Cyber Thief
20Carol Burnett, Big Man, Big Voice, The Diva Next Door
21Ethnic Profiling, Gross National Happiness, The Court-Martial of Major Bates
22You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, LAPD Confidential, Unfortunate and Untrue?
23Hit List?, Kevin Spacey, Whose Country Is It?
24Echelon, Scam, King Coal
25Columbine Effect, Dikembe Mutombo, Who Is Arnon Milchan?
26Timothy McVeigh, The Bodyguard's Story
27Hitler's Pope, Women and the Web, Ciao Venezia
28By Faith Alone, Tom Joyner, Locked Up for Life?
29Broken Promises, Queen Rania, Eric Clapton
30Cyber War, Addicted to Orchids, Voice of the Farmer
31Elian's Father, The Power of Positive Speaking, Laundering Drug Money?
32Different Kind of Governor, The Dirty War, The Lemba
33Death Penalty, The Bishop Estate, Picking Up the Pieces
34The Colonel's Wife, A Right That Could Be Wrong, The Bicycle Thief
35Who Killed Malcolm X?, The Seamy Side of Paradise, Ready, Willing & Able
36Bishop Spong, Kevin Mitnick: Cyber Thief, Carlos Acosta's Story
37Charlton Heston, 50,000 White Farmers, Miranda
38The Defector, The Court-Martial of Major Bates, The Year of the Woman
39On Trial for Murder, Knee Deep in Fraud, The Forgotten Hostage
40Doing the Right Thing?, Ben Zander, Columbia's Andres Pastrana
41Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Cruising for Fun and Profit, Prison Inc.
42Suicide or Murder?, Denzel, Haiti: 5 Years & A Billion Dollars Later
43Harry Potter, Need Cash?, Adopt Me
44Hitler's Pope?, Kevin Spacey, Voice of the Farmer
45Autopsy, The Scuffed Halls of Ivy: Emory University, TB
46Dikembe Mutombo, Lord of the Manor, The Columbine Effect
47Echelon, Frank McCourt, Kipp
48Spy?, Come Dancing, Not as Private as You Think
49The Bicycle Thief, Gross National Happiness, Whose Country Is It?
50Coming Apart at the Seams, A Pig Heart?, Eric Clapton
51Jiang Zemin, Daniel Barenboim
52Testing, Testing, Testing, The Eyes, Hit List?
53Dr. Wen Ho Lee, Liz Smith, The Bishop Estate
54Vice Versa, Baku, Who Is Arnon Milchan?