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A Town Called Malice
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A Town Called Malice

A Town Called Malice follows the Lords, a crime family of petty thieves from South London who have fallen to the bottom of the criminal food chain. And they're not happy about it.

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Aired on:
51 min.
Created by:
3.57/5 (7 ratings)
More Info:
Forum | Official | IMDb | TheTVDB


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as Albert Lord
as Gene Lord
as Cindy Carter
as Mint Ma
as Leonard Lord
as Kelly Lord
as Carly Lord
as Eddie Carter
as DI Lindsey


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by posted
They wanted white man bad, but overdid it, a bunch of IMDB reviews challenging the authenticity :D
by posted
Yeah there were so many instances in just the one episode of not knowing how the world works my favorite was thinking that property deeds work like bearer bonds.. Much of the dialogue was also pretty bad apart from the line you mentioned. Disappointing but it's not like I'm upset when I get to delete one from the queue.
by posted
All main action is in Spain, pilot is in UK. But more or less the same, plus spike in cringe, some plain stupid stuff like headshot against the window which by some magic don't break, one second DNA testing is not invented yet, another second they care about evidence left behind, repetitive lines etc. :D

Tho one thing I liked in this show, the formulation "he is not for me", brilliant, will use it.
by posted
So if I thought the pilot was awful I should just tap out? Thinking yeah.
by posted
Dropped it some 4 eps in and watched the last 10 min of the last ep. The beginning was promising.
by posted
Had me with a Jam song as the title but I've not started watching yet.
by posted
by posted
This Sky show has some great 1980's music that links in with the story. It is a quirky sometimes humorous, sometimes violent series that is set in the early 80's in London and Spain. I am 3 episodes in and enjoying it so far.
A Town Called Malice follows the Lords, a crime family of petty thieves from South London who have fallen to the bottom of the criminal food chain. And they're not happy about it.