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This mini-series is based on Lewis Carroll's books; "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass". It provides the stories with a modern twist.

Show Info

Aired on:
SyFy, US
120 min.
Created by:
2.8/5 (5 ratings)
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Forum | IMDb | TheTVDB
Subtitles, Mistakes


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as Alice Hamilton
as Queen of Hearts
as Dodo
as White Knight
as Jack Chase
as King of Hearts


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by posted
kaibren said:
about year or half ago, they showed all 4 or was it 5(can't remember how much seasons it got) seasons pretty fast, almost new episode every day.

hmm ok.
by posted
about year or half ago, they showed all 4 or was it 5(can't remember how much seasons it got) seasons pretty fast, almost new episode every day.
by posted
kaibren said:
you got a lot of sci-fi channels in Poland?

i wish we got a sci-fi channel. yuo could say that TV6 is the closest to being one, but still too much other stuff there.
yes, but TV6 showed us sg1 and sg:a and of course bsg, but about what i don't really care, not into drama, or just haven't cared to watch.
edit: and dead zone.
i can't remember them showing sg:a.
by posted
didn't have time to read all above posts... i quite enjoyed it. Andrew Lee Potts was an absolute treat to watch... got a thumbs up from me...
by posted
kaibren said:
you got a lot of sci-fi channels in Poland?

just two, Sci-Fi Channel Poland, and AXN Sci-Fi. At least those are the channels I'm aware of.
Unlike Orlando, I sometimes watch our tv sometimes. Mostly when I'm at home and usually during family meals, or something like this.
Readers aren't the biggest issue of our tv, but translators and Political correctness, which doesn't allow to use swears and other words, even if series is being shown at midnight like Dexter ;]
Orlando said:
Well, at least it's still a one guy thru the whole movie (some are better, some worse, most are terrible), not like in Germany where. They. Dub. Absolutly. EVERYTHING.

Good dubbing isn't bad, if there's a good dubbing director. Like in Ice Age and Shreks. But most of our translators and translation directors can't even handle simple subtitles!
Anyway, first episode of Tin Man is behind me, and it was good, although can't tell if it was better than Alice ;)
by posted
girl next door who is moving out?
by posted
who the fuck is Alice?
by posted
kaibren said:
right, you live one of those country who don't give a shit about good tv and dub everything and badly. have seen it in latvia and mostly old van damme movies in russian language.

Well, at least it's still a one guy thru the whole movie (some are better, some worse, most are terrible), not like in Germany where. They. Dub. Absolutly. EVERYTHING.


And your totally right about "one of those country who don't give a shit about good tv".
by posted
right, you live one of those country who don't give a shit about good tv and dub everything and badly. have seen it in latvia and mostly old van damme movies in russian language.
by posted
kaibren said:
you got a lot of sci-fi channels in Poland?

I don't watch our TV, 'cause of the thing we call "lektorzy" (dunno how to translate it) which is just that a dude reads the subtitles, without the subtitles, and the movie volume is so low you'll probably hear nothing.

I hate it, therefore I don't watch our tv.