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Ash vs. Evil Dead
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Ash vs. Evil Dead

The Evil Dead franchise is revived for a 10-episode series where Ash (Bruce Campbell), the survivor from the trilogy of movies, is called back to duty. The Deadites, demonic creatures from beyond, plan to destroy all of mankind and only an aging stockboy with a chainsaw for a hand can stop them... even if he doesn't want to.

Show Info

Aired on:
Starz, US
30 min.
4.19/5 (116 ratings)
More Info:
Forum | IMDb | TheTVDB
Subtitles, Mistakes


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as Ash Williams
as Pablo Simon Bolivar
as Kelly Maxwell
as Ruby Knowby
as Amanda Fisher
as Chet Kaminski
as Linda Bates-Emery
as Lacey Emery


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by posted
I think if the show was slightly less gory it might be offensive. As it is, the thing is so over the top it has transitioned from offensive to funny.
by posted
That scene with the car wheel and the bloke's face...

If that wasn't too far, it was waaaaaaaay too close.
by posted
It's a fun show, you can see they're all having a good time fooling around on it.
by posted
I dunno if I'm just getting more immature as I age or what, but the utter depravity and disgusting vulgarity of this episode (s02e02) had me laughing so hard :lol:
by posted
hugodood said:
Not a bad series but Army Of Darkness is my fav of the 3 in trilogy

I prefer Jacksonville.
by posted
Not a bad series but Army Of Darkness is my fav of the 3 in trilogy
by posted
Special effects are getting better too, looks like they're starting to seriously invest effort in this.
by posted
Great series, nice and cheesy good fun...and they always play good music at the screencaps.
by posted
heh. I feel like I should... bow, or... have honor or something.
by posted
Holy shit look at that.