Stories from Oz is an irreverent comedy documentary series where six of Australia's most defining stories are retold as musicals. This 6-part extravaganza breathes new life into some of the country's most colourful stories, by giving them the full musical treatment they've always deserved. The series ingeniously swings between interviews with the real-life players and musical numbers. The stories receiving the full razzle-dazzle makeover are: the saga of Schapelle Corby, the unlikely triumph of Steven Bradbury, the political showdown of the Tampa affair, Melbourne's cursed Ferris wheel, the fairy- tale of the young Tasmanian woman Mary Donaldson, and the international meltdown caused by Barnaby Joyce when he threatened to euthanise Johnny Depp's pet dogs, Pistol and Boo. Billed as the world's first documentary you can dance to, Stories From Oz is proof positive that some stories are so extraordinary that it's not enough to simply tell them. You have to sing them as well.
Sorry, no info about the next episode of Australian Epic is available yet.
The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.