Led by an Emmy Award-winning cast, "Boston Legal" tells the professional and personal stories of a group of brilliant but often emotionally challenged attorneys. Fast-paced and darkly comedic, the series confronts social and moral issues, while its characters continually stretch the boundaries of the law.
Great show. If you are watching from scratch you are in for a treat.
by kirby posted 14 years ago
yes and it was started almost 3 years ago :)
by wckiller posted 14 years ago
well.... I just watched the Boston Legal Pilot after catching a few Episodes on TV the last couple of weeks (I think Season 5 is shown for the first time over here) and I gotta say the Episodes running on TV here and the pilot differ like A LOT...
But I'll keep watching, maybe 2 Eps a day...
Is there another "Boston Legal" thread anywhere? cause this is just the one that popped up first :)
by ensabrenur posted 16 years ago
Boston legal has lost it's appeal, when it started it was good, now its just and ugly ally mcbeal rip off,
Alan shore is holding this show up, even Denny doesnt have the appeal he once had.
I dont like the new attorneys, katie is a poor excuse for an english person and is just too nice to be a lawyer, the american who was apparantly and english madam, come on do we really still use that word, and after she got found out she started talking in an english accent, so what you just put on an american accent for years just to fool loads of people who wouldn't care if you were english
hey wait that katie is english maybe she runs a whore house
a shy transvestive who just happens to have passed his bar exam, but doesnt try cases, untill he gets a job at a prestigeous law firm,
whats that mr secratary you can try cases, ok then go for it, regardless to wherther ur qualified.
Alan Shore
Denny Crane
Shirly Shmitt
Catherine Piper
Brad Chase
these are the characters that make the show, the humor they bring is amazing, the new lot are just useless
by santah posted 17 years ago
I know I don't :D
by niagarabeech posted 17 years ago
Well I guess after a week and over 40 viewers of this message, no one has a answer why....
I watch Boston Legal last night (Tuesday) at 10pm EST as usual, but next-episode says that it is now airing on SUNDAY night at 10pm EST. I thought that the network had changed the day it aired. What gives? Is this a error on Next-episode's listings?
But I'll keep watching, maybe 2 Eps a day...
Is there another "Boston Legal" thread anywhere? cause this is just the one that popped up first :)
Alan shore is holding this show up, even Denny doesnt have the appeal he once had.
I dont like the new attorneys, katie is a poor excuse for an english person and is just too nice to be a lawyer, the american who was apparantly and english madam, come on do we really still use that word, and after she got found out she started talking in an english accent, so what you just put on an american accent for years just to fool loads of people who wouldn't care if you were english
hey wait that katie is english maybe she runs a whore house
a shy transvestive who just happens to have passed his bar exam, but doesnt try cases, untill he gets a job at a prestigeous law firm,
whats that mr secratary you can try cases, ok then go for it, regardless to wherther ur qualified.
Alan Shore
Denny Crane
Shirly Shmitt
Catherine Piper
Brad Chase
these are the characters that make the show, the humor they bring is amazing, the new lot are just useless
I watch Boston Legal last night (Tuesday) at 10pm EST as usual, but next-episode says that it is now airing on SUNDAY night at 10pm EST. I thought that the network had changed the day it aired. What gives? Is this a error on Next-episode's listings?