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This show tells the story of a small British seaside town that is deeply impacted by the murder of a young boy, and the investigation that throws the quiet town into the limelight.

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Aired on:
45 min.
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4.28/5 (57 ratings)
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Subtitles, Mistakes


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as D.I. Alec Hardy
as D.S. Ellie Miller
as Mark Latimer
as Beth Latimer
as Rev. Paul Coates
as Chloe Latimer
as Nigel Carter
as Maggie Radcliffe
as Tom Miller


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by posted
I'm the other side I thought S1 was better

I think we get a not guitly verdict although I do think he is guilty of the murder. The defence has built too much doubt for the jury

Second part I think Claire killed the girl and Lee has helped her cover it because of his love for her (despite how wierd they can be together) shows often have killers as men so it would be different to go the woman route
by posted
When season 1 ended, I thought the story was done. I was pretty happy with that being the series end. So when i read that there would be a Season 2 of Broadchurch i was suprised. It puzzled me what Season 2 would even be about.

But now that we are 7 episodes in Season 2, I really must say I'm enjoying it even more than Season 1! Sure, there are some things I can bitch about. There seems to be more errors made in story telling when comparing it to Season 1, but somehow I just find Season 2 more entertaining, and that's what it's for.

I'm truly amased that the show writers managed to make season 2 not some dragging-it-along-because-it-sells-thingy.

If you haven't returned (yet) after Season 1, I can truly recommend it.

So what do we think? Guilty or not Guilty? My first thought the jury would not reach a verdicht and Joe would not be convicted. But since the jury only has to have a majority and they reached it, I'm not so sure anymore and I'm even thinking it should be a conviction.

Also, what about our second story line? If you see those lovebirds together it's seems to be clear that Lee Ashworth has killed the girls after all, but Claire appearantly has some skeletons in the closet. Do you think we're being misled?
by posted
It has the same exact premise. Small town, kid killed, whodunit the spills out over the season. Plus anything thing that's a spoiler but can be added.
by posted
Rwings said:
Yeah I saw all the episodes today as well. Only mentioned the Doctor Who actors because Tennant was the reason I watched the episode. It was a decent run. Reminded me a lot of The Killing.

Hmmm. I watched The Killing and thought it was one of the most dull and slow series I've ever seen. I found Broadchurch far better.
by posted
Yeah I saw all the episodes today as well. Only mentioned the Doctor Who actors because Tennant was the reason I watched the episode. It was a decent run. Reminded me a lot of The Killing.
by posted
I have to say I watched this last week and thought it was fantastic, totally didn't see the ending coming!
by posted
Rwings said:
It has both the 10th Doctor and Rory in it.

...and that's where any similarity ends, trust me.

Good show though, I definitely recommend giving it a go. It's also soon to be remade in the US, so they're bound to screw it right up.
by posted
Why I get a Twin Peaksian feel from that synopsis...
by posted
It has both the 10th Doctor and Rory in it.
by posted

This show tells the story of a small British seaside town that is deeply impacted by the murder of a young boy, and the investigation that throws the quiet town into the limelight.