When a little red panda named Nut arrives in the apartment of two directionless 20-somethings and gives them the magical abilities to transform into superheroes, Alex and Daisy are forced to get their lives together to save the universe. With the help of their magical objects, Alex and Daisy learn to fight off interdimensional bounty hunters and protect their mysterious panda friend who claims to be the creator of the universe.
Set on the fringes of the fashion industry in Miami, the show follows the everyday adventures of four naive 20-somethings coming face to (flawless) face with the real world.
A dramatic coming-of-age docu-soap, follows a handful of 20-somethings in Martha's Vineyard for the summer. Tight quarters, new friends and new rivals, all living, working and playing together, make this picturesque playground ripe for mischief and romance.
Rory (Charlie Hankin), in his 20's and living on his own for the first time, has found himself in a small two-bedroom with the Summoner (Hankin), a magical alien with the power to summon any object to his present.