Browse - Most popular shows featuring: brazilian horrorx
Reality Z
Based on the critically acclaimed British production Dead Set (created by Charlie Brooker, creator and co-showrunner of the anthology series Black Mirror), Reality Z is an ode to horror, humor and pop culture. In five episodes, it narrates a zombie apocalypse that imprisons participants and producers of a reality show called Olimpo, The House of the Gods, during its elimination night. The studio becomes a shelter for those who seek salvation in Rio de Janeiro where chaos and hopelessness begin to rule.
Set at the Liberdade district, in São Paulo. Spectros will tell the story of a group of five teenagers who are accidentally attracted to a supernatural reality that they can not comprehend and that connects to the same location of the city in 1908. When confronted by increasingly bizarre and gloomy events, the group comes to an inevitable conclusion: someone is bringing death back and the spirits want revenge for the mistakes committed in the past.
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