Following the life of a very outspoken and rebellious woman, Rita is a school teacher who is competent in the classroom, but seems to need a teacher of her own, when it comes to her personal life.
By the North Sea The Andersen small seaside hotel opens its doors for the season 1928. The host couple Julius and Molly Andersen takes a warm welcome regulars from Copenhagen arriving laden with luggage to four weeks of vacation. There's reunion and high spirits, but holiday idyll is not without cracks.
Translated to English the show is called The Legacy. The series is a modern family portrait. A depiction of the '68 generation and their children. A Tale of the marked trails and consequences of violent upheaval set in modern family life - whether it takes place in a seemingly liberated and progressive artist's home, or in a more tradition-bound and community-oriented environment handball in the province.
Hilma and Ola are desperately trying to get pregnant. An emotional and financial roller coaster about a couple's longing and difficulties in trying to have children. Ola and Hilma go through everything from embarrassing family dinners, Danish sperm donors and an environment with opinions about how "heavenly easy" it is to have children.
The story centers on a family of priests: Johannes, Elisabeth and their sons August and Christian. Johannes is God-like to his sons - he gives, loves, and punishes. His favoritism for August and his disappointment with Christian forces both into making desperate choices in order to either gain his love or break free from him.
The series follows life in a small danish town in the period 1929-1947 The main character Mads Andersen-Skjern arrives in 1929 as a traveling salesman, in the sleepy town of Korsbaek. He quickly realizes that the towns trade is stagnating and opens a garment store, which soon puts the towns only other business of its kind - Damernes Magasin - out of business.