Browse - Most popular shows featuring: gang-related crimex
Shoot the Messenger
A political crime thriller that centers on the complex relationships between crime reporters and the police. The series follows Daisy Channing (Elyse Levesque), a young reporter trying to balance a messy personal life with a burgeoning career. Things begin to go sideways for Daisy when she witnesses a murder she thinks is gang-related, only to find herself slowly drawn into an interconnected web of criminal and illicit sexual activity that reaches into the corridors of corporate and political power. It's the kind of story that will destroy lives, including those of her own family.
Las Vegas Law (2016)
It's become a cliché that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but for the Clark County District Attorney's office, there's nothing cliché about the crimes that affect their city. With more than 60,000 cases a year, including high-profile homicides, robberies, gang-related crimes and assaults on the Strip, these aren't stories pulled from a Hollywood script.
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