This show enters the exclusive world of Buckhead Country Club, where outrageously wealthy mothers and daughters do whatever it takes to stay on top of the social scene and in control of the action. It's hot, it's humid, and it's full of drama.
In "Déjà-Vu" we follow Florence Fierens, a busy career woman and radio host. With her own morning radio show, she reaches a national audience and is committed to women's rights and against domestic violence. However, her seemingly carefree life is turned upside down when her 15-year-old daughter Louise unexpectedly steps out of life. Grief-stricken, Florence searches for answers, together with her ex-husband and son. More and more it appears that Florence's life was not as perfect as she told herself. It is only when she suddenly comes face to face with her living daughter again, exactly one month before her suicide, that Florence realizes that she will have a second chance to relive her past. Can Florence find out where she went wrong as a mother - and more importantly, can she prevent her daughter's suicide?
Gunes is a 35 years old woman and a literature teacher whose husband left her with no reason. So she decides to get married in order to afford a good future for her three daughters.
Struggling to survive with her seven-year-old daughter Hayal, Neva Canpolat raises her only daughter by instilling the beauty and hope of life with fairy tales and games. However, the happy world of mother-daughter is shaken by the stranger men who follow them. The path of Neva and Hayal, who lead a difficult life, crosses with Alp Karahun in a traffic accident.