Browse - Most popular shows featuring: nuclear testingx
Operation Buffalo
At Maralinga in 1956, atom bombs were not the only things being tested. At the height of the Cold War, the human capacity for loyalty and betrayal were constantly pitted against each other. But not just in terms of espionage. Friend against friend. Lover against lover. Government against its people. If only trust could bloom in an infinite desert. But these are not trusting times.
Atomic Age Declassified
There's a reason they called it theoretical physics. No one really knew for sure what would happen when we split the atom. At Los Alamos, the famous scientist Enrico Fermi jokingly suggested a bet: the bomb would ignite the atmosphere - and end all life on earth. Not everyone thought it was funny. The sky didn't catch fire, but the mushroom cloud over the New Mexico desert that day cast a long shadow. It began an explosive era of secrecy and fear that we still live with today. ATOMIC AGE DECLASSIFIED tells the untold stories of a time that brought us to the edge of human possibility - and the verge of total annihilation - more times than we ever knew.
Murder in the Pacific
1985: Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior is bombed. The attack exposed a murky world of nuclear testing and abuse of power - and inspired a generation of environmental activists.
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