Browse - Most popular shows featuring: queen victoriax
The ambitious eight-part drama follows the early life of Queen Victoria, from her accession to the throne at the tender age of 18 through to her courtship and marriage to Prince Albert. Victoria went on to rule for 63 years, and was our longest-serving monarch until she was overtaken by Elizabeth II on 9th September this year.
Rufus Sewell stars as Lord Melbourne, Victoria's first prime minister. The two immediately connected and their intimate friendship became a popular source of gossip that threatened to destabilize the Government - angering both Tory and Whigs alike.
Queen Victoria's Children
This is a documentary series which spans over sixty years as it explores the reign of Victoria through her personal relationships with her husband and her nine children. It features manipulation, conflict, intimidation, emotional blackmail and several attempts by her children to escape from her clutches.
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