Browse - Most popular shows featuring: sadistic characterx
Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyō
The absurd mystery comedy centers around Harumi Kazuhito, a high school boy who is obsessed with reading books. One day, he is killed in the middle of a robbery - and resurrected as a dachshund dog. Unable to read in his new form, the hapless Kazuhito now belongs to Natsuno Kirihime, a sadistic girl who uses scissors like a weapon.
Sweet Punishment: I'm the Guard's Personal Pet
The story is set in a prison in the near future. It revolves around Hina Saotome, imprisoned despite her innocence, and the elegant yet sadistic guard Aki Myoujin. Hina's heart and body are at the mercy of Myoujin's "heartless yet sweet domination" from physical examinations to lovers' prison visits.
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