Set against the backdrop of Niagara Falls, Wonderfalls is a quirky one-hour family dramedy about an underachieving twenty-something souvenir shop worker named Jaye Tyler. Her life is forever changed when inanimate figures - including toys, cartoons and anything in the form of an animal, begin to talk to her.
Gabe Kotter was once the member of a group of underachievers in High school known as the Sweathogs. Now a teacher, Gabe makes his return to Buchanan High and is given his old classroom, the Sweathogs. This years group includes leader Vinnie Barbarino, tough guy Juan Epstein - the Puerto Rican jew, athlete Freddie "Boom Boom" Washington, and Arnold Horshack and his annoying laugh. Principal Woodman takes pleasure in watching Kotter struggle to teach his students as he once did as Gabe's teacher. Julie is Gabe's wife, who later becomes a guidance counselor.
Sal, an aimless and self-centred underachiever in Sudbury, Ontario, discovers that he is actually the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and that he must learn to become a better person in preparation for his destiny.