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Bubble Guppies Season 6 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Werewolves of Bubbledon!
3Bigfoot Crossing!
4A Load of Litterbugs!
5A Giant Harvest Day!
6Christmas is Coming!
7The Holiday Pirates!
8Bubble Puppysaurus!
9Winter Sports Chompetition!
10The SS Friendship!
11Something Fishy Going On!
12Robo Puppy!
13Race to the Oasis!
14Escape from Volcano Island!
15Mountain Ninja Rescue!
16The Jaw-some Sharkventure!
17Taste Buddies!
18The Kingdom of Sleepwell!
19A Big Splash!
20Bubble Medics to the Rescue!
21Search for the Great Silverback!
22Don't Yuck My Yum!
23Mystery on the Guppy Express!
24Puppy Girl and Super Pup!
25The Fastest Feather in the Race!
26The Solar Light Spectacular!
27The Kingdom of Laughs-a-Lot!
28The Big Rig Bandit!
29The Ultra Spy Tool!
30Zooli's New Pet
31Trouble in Harmony Valley!
32The Three Guppeteers!
33A Slow Day in Zippy City!
34See You Later, Alligator!