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Cardfight!! Vanguard Season 9 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Chrono Taken
2Challenge from the Apostles
3Blue Wave Marshal Valeos
4Zeroth Dragon
5Street Burning with Vengeance
6Overlord's Purge
7Relics Crisis
8The Future We Seize
9Evil Governor, Gredora
10The Man’s Finishing Hold
11Evil Deity Bishop, Gastille
12The Curse Known As Destiny
13The Vessel of Gyze
14The Beginning of the End
15Sworn Fight
16The Hope In Our Hands
17The Land of Descent
1818: Dawn of the Decisive Battle
19Choice of the Jester
20Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze
21Void and Vanguard
23Dimensional Overstride
24Extra Turn