Case Sensitive, known during production as Point of Rescue, is based on the psychological novel by Sophie Hannah. It tells the two-part murder investigation of DS Charlie Zailer and her DC Simon Waterhouse.
Thanks! I've only seen Olivia Williams in Dollhouse and Ghost Writer, but I think she's kinda facinating. And I loved her in Dollhouse! Escpecially the episode where she and Topher is paranoid and high together. ..and now you made me miss Dollhouse :p
A two part drama based on the psychological suspense novel Point of Rescue by Sophie Hannah. It's 94 minutes long, so it's more like a movie. :)
When Geraldine Bretherick and her 5-year-old daughter Lucy are found dead in the bath of their luxury home, the case divides new DS Charlie Zailer and her DC Simon Waterhouse. Is it murder, suicide or something even more sinister, and how watertight is the alibi of the husband Mark?
Starring Olivia Williams (Dollhouse and Ghost Writer) and Rupert Graves (Sherlock). :) It starts slowly, but when it unravels more of the story, before you know it, you're sucked in till the end. :) I'm sure that it works fantastically as a novel, maybe I'll try some of her work.
Are you on LJ?Yes. :)
Are you on LJ?
A two part drama based on the psychological suspense novel Point of Rescue by Sophie Hannah. It's 94 minutes long, so it's more like a movie. :)
When Geraldine Bretherick and her 5-year-old daughter Lucy are found dead in the bath of their luxury home, the case divides new DS Charlie Zailer and her DC Simon Waterhouse. Is it murder, suicide or something even more sinister, and how watertight is the alibi of the husband Mark?
Starring Olivia Williams (Dollhouse and Ghost Writer) and Rupert Graves (Sherlock). :) It starts slowly, but when it unravels more of the story, before you know it, you're sucked in till the end. :) I'm sure that it works fantastically as a novel, maybe I'll try some of her work.