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Claremont: A Killer Among Us
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Claremont: A Killer Among Us

In the early hours of 27 January 1996, 18-year-old Sarah Spiers left a popular bar in Perth's busy nightlife strip in the upmarket suburb of Claremont. She walked to a nearby phone box and called a taxi, but by the time it arrived just minutes later, she was gone. Never to be seen again.

Five months later another young woman, 23-year-old Jane Rimmer, went missing from Claremont in eerily similar circumstances, and by March the following year a third woman, 27-year-old Ciara Glennon, had disappeared.

A serial killer was preying on young, innocent women and Claremont was his hunting ground.

Their disappearances marked the start of Australia's longest running and most expensive manhunt.

Over two big nights, Claremont: A Killer Among Us, tells the inside story of the Claremont investigation through exclusive and unprecedented interviews with surviving victims, journalists, former police detectives, forensic experts and the officers at the centre of the investigation who for over two decades tirelessly worked the case, right up to its dramatic conclusion.

Show Info

Aired on:
Ten, Australia
90 min.
0/5 (0 ratings)
More Info:
Official | IMDb | TVMaze


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