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Meet John Constantine, a con man turned detective who defends us against dark forces from beyond. His wit and irreverence will keep you hooked.

With supernatural creatures and demons lurking around every corner, Constantine must use his knowledge of the occult to save the world.

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Aired on:
60 min.
4.23/5 (111 ratings)
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as John Constantine
as Zed Martin
as Chas Chandler
as Liv Aberdine


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by posted
latitude75 said:
Motherfuckers.....what did I say - I hoped they wouldn't fuck this up and that's EXACTLY what those FOCKHEADS DID!!

I guess the only redeeming side is now perhaps in the future when someone else will give a go at this series which harbors SO much potential - they will STAY TRUE to the original story!

(sigh) What Latitude said.

I was really hoping Syfy or someone would pick it up.

by posted
Motherfuckers.....what did I say - I hoped they wouldn't fuck this up and that's EXACTLY what those FOCKHEADS DID!!

I guess the only redeeming side is now perhaps in the future when someone else will give a go at this series which harbors SO much potential - they will STAY TRUE to the original story!
by posted
Agreed, this show has won me over. :) Def. keep watching.
by posted
still watching it... I think compared to something like Supernatural this show is gold. There is so much crap on tv these days
by posted
Slowly? It's episode three. I would say they made a pretty dramatic shift from the pilot and it's quite quickly improving. Still a way to go but I'm happy with the changes and their speed. I think we must have all known going in there would be flaws, given the limitations of being on NBC and it seems they are trying to do the right thing within those limitations so I'm happy enough. The not quite smoking stuff is starting to annoy more, but the terrible accent is starting to annoy less and when I have doubts I just remember the Keanue Reeves movie and suddenly feel much better about the TV show.
by posted
Wizard said:
Ep3 was much better

by posted
Ep3 was much better
by posted
bloczone said:
Like the comics a lot..but I do wish the tv series was all british. This lonely-brit-in-us isn't working for me. Imagine this series made as strange as Utopia, with the same atmosphere of unease and dread.

But its early days, maybe it'll improve.

....if it was british we would get at best 6 episodes a year, and at worst 3 episodes every 2-3 years....i love the fuck out of utopia, luther and others but the slow production is really not my thing. It should be more then possible to produce quality TV at a little bit faster pace.

a series like this lives from being on TV a bit more regular. I didnt read the comics but so far i like the series.
by posted
Spyder23 said:
You're drunk again?

by posted
Like the comics a lot..but I do wish the tv series was all british. This lonely-brit-in-us isn't working for me. Imagine this series made as strange as Utopia, with the same atmosphere of unease and dread.

But its early days, maybe it'll improve.