TV Series created by Chris Haddock
The Romeo Section
An hour-long serialized espionage drama following spymaster Professor Wolfgang McGee, an academic who secretly manages a roster of espionage assets. These assets, referred to as Romeo or Juliet spies, are informants engaged in intimate long or short term relations with state intelligence targets. Wolfgang is a semi-retired Romeo operator, having worked his way up from youth in an unnamed and officially deniable "service" under the umbrella of Canada's Intelligence Community.
Organized crime and the Organized Crime Unit (OCU) work together to achieve the opposing goals of each respective world.
Da Vinci's City Hall
Dominic Da Vinci has left his post as coroner and police officer in Vancouver, B.C., and has moved on to politics. The series starts off as the newly elected mayor takes over Vancouver.
The Handler
The Handler stars Joe Renato (Joe Pantoliano, "The Sopranos") as an FBI agent who trains and handles agents who go undercover to solve crimes at all levels of Los Angeles' diverse society. From underground prostitution rings and drug traffickers to the worlds of high tech and high finance, it's a behind-the-scenes look at how Joe's well-schooled operatives infiltrate and tackle them all. Joe is the ultimate "puppet master" who also interfaces with government and local law enforcement agencies that come to him for help with both long-term and quick sting operations. He knows from personal experience that going undercover is an all-or-nothing job. Any lapse in "character" can mean the difference between life and death for his operatives, and Joe goes to great lengths to make sure his people are properly prepared, mentally and physically.
Da Vinci's Inquest
The series revolves around the life of Dominic Da Vinci, coronor of Vancouver, BC, Canada. Follow along as the police investigate the crimes; the medical examiners and coroner investigate & examine the deaths, and conduct their inquests, when needed.
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