TV Series created by Chris Lilley
A mockumentary series that follows the peculiar lives of six eccentric - and sometimes obscene - misfits who march to their own beat.
Jonah from Tonga
This show takes a look at the of 14-year-old rebellious schoolboy Jonah Takalua. His family, friends, teachers and counselors attempt to help him channel his limitless energy into bigger and brighter things.
Ja'mie: Private School Girl
Chris Lilley brings back one of his most famous characters from 'We Can Be Heroes' and 'Summer Heights High' as we follow Ja'mie King in her final year of high school.
Angry Boys
The latest project from comedian Chris Lilley is a 12-part mockumentary which puts the male species under the microscope to explore what it means to be a guy in the 21st century.
Summer Heights High
"Summer Heights High" is the outrageously funny high school comedy created and written by Chris Lilley, creator of "We Can Be Heroes". The mockumentary series documents the ups and downs of three different characters, all played by Lilley, over one school term at Summer Heights High.
We Can Be Heroes
his ground breaking mockumentary follows the daily lives of five very special individuals who are among the thousands of citizens nominated for the prestigious title of Australian of the Year. As portrayed by Lilley, the five nominees are from different parts of the country and represent the full spectrum of Australian society: young and old, male and female, urban and rural; native and emigrant.
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