TV Series created by Craig W. Van Sickle

Tin ManTin Man
SyFy, 2007 Cancelled/Ended | Drama, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Fantasy | ► Trailer
Rating: 2.9/5

This is a bizarre, post-modern version of The Wizard of Oz. Zooey Deschanel stars as the main character who finds herself trapped in a place called O.Z. - the Outer Zone.

The PretenderThe Pretender
NBC, 1996 Cancelled/Ended | Drama, Action, Adventure, Mystery | ► Trailer
Rating: 4.3/5

"The Pretender" is the story of Jarod, a boy-genius taken from his family as a child. Jarod possesses the ability to quickly learn and impersonate different jobs and occupations. His abductors, a facility simply known as The Centre, tested his abilities through various simulations.