TV Series created by Damon Wayans
The Underground
This series is a reminiscent of the hit comedy sketch show of the 90's - "In Living Color". The show features recurring characters from "In Living Color", parodies of the pop culture, and the up bringing of new sketch performers.
Stand-up comedian Rodney Carrington would like to take you to the middle of real, everyday America. In the tradition of "Home Improvement" and "Roseanne" comes a down-to-earth guy's guy who, with his own heartland intelligence, speaks the truth.
My Wife and Kids
Popular film and television star Damon Wayans stars as Michael Kyle, a loving husband and modern-day patriarch who rules his household with a unique and distinct parenting style. As he teaches his three children some of life's lessons, he does so with his own brand of wisdom, discipline and humor.
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