TV Series created by Danny Cannon

Metropolis (2018)Metropolis (2018)
HBO Max In Development | Drama, Action, Crime

Set in the wondrous and awe-inspiring City of Tomorrow before the arrival of Superman, Metropolis, based on the DC characters, follows Lois Lane and Lex Luthor as they investigate the world of fringe science and expose the city's dark and bizarre secrets.

Dark BlueDark Blue
TNT, 2009 Cancelled/Ended | Drama, Action, Crime, Thriller | ► Trailer
Rating: 3.4/5

Dylan McDermott stars as Carter Shaw, head of an undercover police team. Shaw has a shady, troubled past, and alongside his team works very deep undercover.

The LineThe Line
TNT Cancelled/Ended | Drama, Action, Adventure

Dylan McDermott is set to start in the TNT drama about undercover police and their turbulent lives.