TV Series created by Eric Garcia
Spanning 24 years, Kaleidoscope centers around the largest heist ever attempted, and the vengeance, scheming, loyalties, and betrayals that surround it. It's loosely inspired by the real-life story where seventy billion dollars in bonds went missing in downtown Manhattan during Hurricane Sandy.
Cassandra French's Finishing School
Cassandra French's Finishing School, a half-hour series based on Eric Garcia's (Matchstick Men) novel that follows Cassie, (Jessica Renee Russell, "Donny") a 23-year-old overachieving publicist who can't find a guy ready for a mature relationship. After a disastrous one night stand, Cassie takes matters into her own hands when she knocks the unsuspecting guy, Owen, (Calum Worthy, "Austin & Ally") unconscious and decides that the only way to turn things around is to set up a finishing school in her basement to try and teach him how to become a better man.
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