This will be a multi-camera ensemble comedy that centers on the chaotic life of a recently divorced working class Mexican-American turned successful entrepreneur. He struggles to balance his demanding ex-wife, his 11-year-old son, his overbearing mother who just moved in, and his uncle, as well as his new role as a philanthropist "giving back" by teaching history once a week at a night school.
Aaf is the head of the ultimate middle class family. The family consisting of mother Aaf, father Ton and pubescent children Marie and Jozefien, and little Bennie. The familiarity of the everyday concerns, the marriage with the corresponding family, eternal battle over the household and the family love that holds everything together, are central in this brand new RTL 4 - series.
Home Improvement is a sitcom about Tim Taylor, the accident prone host of a Detroit, Michigan television program about tools, who raises his dysfunctional family.
In this short-lived attempt to revive Carol Burnett's TV career in the early '90s, the approach was a little different from earlier series. This time Burnett would take on a different persona each week, and each installment resembled a sitcom episode. As always, the "company" of background performers appeared as different characters each week, with special guests dropping in from time to time. Some episodes featured Jeremy Piven as a member of the company, who was later replaced with Peter Krause. Meagen Fay and Richard Kind went on to appear in Burnett's next series, "The Carol Burnett Show" (1991).
"Roseanne" is the story of a working class family struggling with life's essential problems: Marriage, Children, Money and Parent's in Law. A classic sitcom, the story circles around the Connor family - a family of five (DJ, Darlene, Becky, Roseanne and Dan).