TV Series created by Robert Zemeckis
Tooned Out
The story follows Mac, an every-man who begins seeing iconic cartoon characters ranging from Looney Tunes, Peanuts, Hanna-Barbera and Popeye to Droopy Dog, who help him to understand the meaning of life during a rough patch in his life.
Johnny Bago
After spending five years in prison, having been set up by his mafioso cousin Vincent, John Francis Tenuti falls for another set-up by Vincent (within hours of his release), this time being framed for murder. Going on the lam, he soon acquires a Winnebago, and assumes the alias Johnny Bago. He's constantly on the run from hit men sent by the mob, as well as from his ex-wife Beverly, who is also his parole officer.
Back to the Future
Follow Marty McFly and Dr. Emmett L. Brown as they continue where the movies left off. Christopher Lloyd returns as Dr. Brown as the adventure continues in this hilarious animated comedy.
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