TV Series created by Stephen Gallagher

Eleventh HourEleventh Hour
CBS, 2008 Cancelled/Ended | Drama, Crime, Mystery, Thriller | ► Trailer
Rating: 3.5/5

This Jerry Bruckheimer (CSI) produced sci-fi series on CBS is an adaptation of a British thriller of the same name. The new show is about a special science adviser to the US government who saves people from the worst abuses of science. He is accompanied by his feisty female bodyguard.

NBC, 2008 Cancelled/Ended | Drama, Adventure
Rating: 2/5

Based on the classic Daniel Defoe novel, this NBC drama promises plenty of action and adventure of the tropical type.

Eleventh Hour (2005)Eleventh Hour (2005)
ITV, 2006 Cancelled/Ended | Drama, Crime, Thriller, Sci-Fi
Rating: 4/5

Eleventh Hour is an investigative drama series set in the world of contemporary science. Starring Patrick Stewart (as Professor Ian Hood) and Ashley Jensen (as Rachel Young).