A streaming revival of the classic 1982 horror anthology (written by Stephen King and directed by George A. Romero). Each episode of the anthology series will tell original fun and scary stories, and will be helmed by a different director.
Sorry, no info about the next episode of Creepshow is available yet.
The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.
horror anthologybased on a moviestreaming revivalscary storiesvariety of storiesoriginal scary storiesdifferent directorsfun and terrifyingclassic revival1982 movie adaptation
Yeah, it's great to see what a good actor/actress can do to an "okay" story. :)
by Lollie posted 4 years ago
The stories are silly, just like in the old comics I read (horror with a twist at the end), but having good actors in the tales really brings that campness to life.
I really enjoyed Creepshow (1982) (American horror comedy anthology film directed by George A. Romero and written by Stephen King; cast includes Leslie Nielsen) many years ago.
Me too! Now you got me reminiscing about the 80's. :D
Tales from the Crypt ('89-'96), Friday The 13th: The Series, Tales from the Darkside, Cat's Eye (movie), The New Alfred Hitchcock Presents, and Hammer House of Horror (saw this several years later). I might make the better part of this month all about 80`s horror & thrillers.
...Bob Ross appreciation fun! :D I love how well they captured him, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT0RNrTDHkI for comparison. :)
Me too! Now you got me reminiscing about the 80's. :D
Tales from the Crypt ('89-'96), Friday The 13th: The Series, Tales from the Darkside, Cat's Eye (movie), The New Alfred Hitchcock Presents, and Hammer House of Horror (saw this several years later). I might make the better part of this month all about 80`s horror & thrillers.