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D.N. Ace Season 1 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Any Given Clashday (1)
2Any Given Clashday (2)
3Baby Snakes are a Pain
4Crabeo and Tooliette
5Adventures in Scrammersitting
6Countess of Clash
7Vending for Danger
8Ace Is Wild
9Dash 'N Splash
10Kicked to the Side
11Super Cool Creator Guy Day
12Hot Mess
13Scrapkins Clean
14Trash Decisions
15Pure Clownage
17A Muggy Day
18Scrappetite for Destruction
19Pearls of Wisdom
20Clash of the Bands
21The Scourge
22Sloane Plunderman, Junior Ghost Hunter
23Squirrel Interrupted
24Clash Cops
25Wingin' It
26The Pawshank Redemption
27The Ace and the Hound
28Sibling Riotry
29Snot Rocket
30Ace of Grades
31Tropic Blunder
32A New Dayzee
33Wish Sewer Here
34Timber Tantrum
35Underground Clashdown
36Ready Clasher One
37The Night Leaper
38Legend of the Clashquatch
39The New Guy
40Mendel vs Mendor