The show follows Gemma, who lives for the weekend when she can get blasted and party hard in Stockport, Manchester. But after joining the mile high club with a random hook-up on her way back from a holiday to Portugal, she's pregnant, and it couldn't come at a worse time.
The only person Gemma has left in her life is her dad Malcolm, who is kind hearted but useless - he can't load a washing machine, boil an egg or change the Wi-Fi password. Malcolm is suffering from the collapse of his family and living in a bedsit for divorced men.
Sorry, no info about the next episode of Daddy Issues is available yet.
The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.
Finished. Beautiful show through and through.
Funny & wholesome. Definitely worth a watch.
by WilliamDrakeMcGregor posted 1 month ago
The show follows Gemma, who lives for the weekend when she can get blasted and party hard in Stockport, Manchester. But after joining the mile high club with a random hook-up on her way back from a holiday to Portugal, she's pregnant, and it couldn't come at a worse time.
The only person Gemma has left in her life is her dad Malcolm, who is kind hearted but useless - he can't load a washing machine, boil an egg or change the Wi-Fi password. Malcolm is suffering from the collapse of his family and living in a bedsit for divorced men.
So far, a very good comedy show. The lead character is perfectly cast and feels overall naturally funny.
In fact, all characters are very well written...well at least the women are.
As for the men, I don't know where they got their inspiration from, but every man we have seen in the first two episodes hast the most idiotic & inappropiate behaviour imaginable for a comedy show.
Funny & wholesome. Definitely worth a watch.
The only person Gemma has left in her life is her dad Malcolm, who is kind hearted but useless - he can't load a washing machine, boil an egg or change the Wi-Fi password. Malcolm is suffering from the collapse of his family and living in a bedsit for divorced men.
So far, a very good comedy show. The lead character is perfectly cast and feels overall naturally funny.
In fact, all characters are very well written...well at least the women are.
As for the men, I don't know where they got their inspiration from, but every man we have seen in the first two episodes hast the most idiotic & inappropiate behaviour imaginable for a comedy show.