The series follows Colette Marotto, Donie Burch, Gaƫlle Benchetrit, Leonie Biggs, Pooja Mehta and Sabrina Strasser as they invest their time and money into their all-consuming passion to vie for the top spots, respect and recognition in the world of Pro-Am dance competitions. Pro-Am combines amateur dancers competing with professional partners. These highly skilled amateur dancers spend tens of thousands of dollars on their hair, makeup and outfits, plus the expenses for their professional partners to practice, travel and compete.
From stay-at-home moms to business owners and a finance exec, these women put their lives aside and negotiate time away from their families when it comes to dance. In the ballroom, they maintain their composure, but behind the scenes, the women are willing to sabotage their frenemies in the name of competition, even going as far as poaching pro-partners for a chance to win. These dancers share an obsession with winning, no matter the cost.
Sorry, no info about the next episode of Dancing Queens is available yet.
The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.
pro-am dance competitionamateur dancersprofessional partnersinvestment in passionbehind-the-scenes dramasabotage and rivalryobsession with winninglifestyle sacrificepersonal transformationfemale empowerment