A genius programmer's mysterious disappearance leads to the reunion of old friends and the discovery that the strange stories she left behind may point to an impending technological crisis.
The actors need to loosen up more, the story has some merit but doesn't really feel engaging. I would normally marathon something that releases its whole season but I'm really just sitting on it. It's something to watch, but not something to rave on about.
It's ~okay. Has a bit of a Black Mirror thing in each episode, with an underlying story that persists through all the episodes.
And that alone is enough for me to check this show out to see where it goes.
by Lollie posted 5 years ago
It's ~okay. Has a bit of a Black Mirror thing in each episode, with an underlying story that persists through all the episodes.
by lighton posted 5 years ago
lesmond said:
Cant always go on ratings, I like to make my own mind up on something.
Sure... but most often the IMDb ratings are a good indicator of what to expect. :) In a few days they should paint an even clearer picture (given that it's a new show).
by lesmond posted 5 years ago
Cant always go on ratings, I like to make my own mind up on something.
by lighton posted 5 years ago
I added the link, the image and the show info. I also adjusted your post slightly.
not seen it yet, seems to be very elusive on the usual methods :rolleyes:
by colinsp posted 5 years ago
A genius programmer's mysterious disappearance leads to the reunion of old friends and the discovery that the strange stories she left behind may point to an impending technological crisis.
Anybody seen this Amazon offering yet? Is it worth watching?
My opinion so far is - it's ~okay.
The actors need to loosen up more, the story has some merit but doesn't really feel engaging. I would normally marathon something that releases its whole season but I'm really just sitting on it. It's something to watch, but not something to rave on about.
And that alone is enough for me to check this show out to see where it goes.
Sure... but most often the IMDb ratings are a good indicator of what to expect. :) In a few days they should paint an even clearer picture (given that it's a new show).
The trailer didn't convince me, and https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5600406/ ratings don't look that promising either...
Anybody seen this Amazon offering yet? Is it worth watching?