Infamous stars Megan Good as Joanna Locasto, a police detective who returns undercover to the wealthy family she grew up in to solve the murder of Vivian Lawson, the notorious heiress who was once her closest friend. Laz Alonso also stars a fellow NYPD detective/former flame who recruits Joanna to infiltrate the Lawson home.
The second episode was good as far as I am considered :)
by Keisu posted 11 years ago
I thought the acting seemed off, but I'll give it a few episodes before I decide
by colinsp posted 11 years ago
It was OK a bit predictable. I will give it a couple more episodes before I decide.
by ellkay posted 11 years ago
Yeah, I also remember reading about this and waiting for the NE people to comment on whether it was good or bad.... So I second the question: How was it? :p
But that's just my opinion :)