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Doctor Who Cast

as The Eleventh Doctor
as The Tenth Doctor
as Amelia "Amy" Pond
as The Twelfth Doctor
as Clara Oswald
as Rose Tyler
as Rory Williams
as The Thirteenth Doctor
as Yasmin Khan
as Graham O'Brien
as Ryan Sinclair
as Martha Jones
as Professor River Song
as Donna Noble
as Captain Jack Harkness
as Nardole
as The Ninth Doctor
as Bill Potts
as Kate Stewart
as Wilfred Mott
as Dan Lewis
as Inston-Vee Vinder
as The Master
as The Master
as The Doctor
as Sarah Jane Smith
as The First Doctor
as The Fifth Doctor
as Santa Claus
as Madge Arwell
as Astrid Peth
as The Sixth Doctor
as The Eighth Doctor
as The Seventh Doctor
as Adelaide Brooke
as The Captain
as Jackson Lake
as Christina de Souza
as Tegan Jovanka