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El Cid
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El Cid

El Cid retells from a contemporary perspective the story of the most famous Spaniard in history, a man trapped between two worlds and two cultures. A nobleman, a hero, a mercenary, a vassal, but also a man who could have been king. El Cid was centuries ahead of his time and became transcended by his own legend.

El Cid Next Episode

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The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.

Previous Episode

Promises and Temptations (+4 more)
Thu Jul 15, 2021
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (of 5 ordered)

Show Info

Streams on:
Prime Video, US at 3:00 am
59 min.
On Hiatus
3.8/5 (10 ratings)
More Info:
Forum | Official | IMDb | TheTVDB


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as Ruy Díaz de Vivar / El Cid


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by posted
Am I the only one who can't help pronouncing this like Sid the Sloth did?
by posted
You are listening to dubbing. I watched it in Spanish with subs since I watch subs on everything anyway to facilitate speed watching. I enjoyed it as well, took me about half an episode of s2 to remember who everyone was from 1 :D It's quite well done.
by posted
A.K.A. 'The Legend of El Cid'
El Cid retells from a contemporary perspective the story of the most famous Spaniard in history, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (a.k.a. El Cid), who overcomes a family vendetta and court intrigue to defend Christian Spain against the Moors, a man trapped between two worlds and two cultures. A Castilian nobleman, a hero, a mercenary, a vassal, but also a man who could have been king. El Cid was centuries ahead of his time and became transcended by his own legend.
So, I came upon this program browsing Amazon Prime and I am loving it. I came here to add it to my watchlist. At Amazon the title is The Legend of El Cid so when I put it into search here I was unable to find it (possibly I also misspelled Cid as Sid). sometime after finding it at TVDB (part of the process of getting a program added here) I got a pop-up notification that we already have the show listed here, "El Cid".

Meantime, when I was prepping to add what I thought we didn't have here I wasn't satisfied with any of the summaries I'd seen and so I extracted from 4 summaries, altered just enough so they blended and was going to use it as the program summary here which didn't happen. I have placed it in my op so my efforts don't go to waste. We like a bigger picture.

There are only 5 episodes per season but they are long episodes, 72 minutes.

Anyway, I am really digging this show it has what I really like and enjoy. I binged the 1st season and will probably binge season 2 tonight.

Edit - I should add that if you want the summaries to season 2 episodes you can find them here.

Edit #2 - The trailer is not like the program. They do not speak Spanish in the program airing on Amazon but nicely accented English. I turned on subtitles but it was so I could understand the Arabic when spoken by Arabs. I suppose I could be listening to dubbing but if I am it's extremely well done, great everything, not noticeable.

Edit #3 - Have now finished both seasons and am experiencing some withdrawal symptoms but it'll pass.