After spending a year in space, where she lived and conducted strange experiments, astronaut Molly Watts tries to resume a normal life with her family consisting of her husband, John, a gifted scientist, and Ethan, their son, a boy like no other. He is not their biological son as Molly is infertile.
The return of Molly will have dramatic consequences for the entire planet and the fate of mankind ...
You would think a beat up robot lying on an operating table isn't exactly in the strongest position to blackmail its repair guy/doctor...
That robot is sneaky but not very smart.
*sigh* and then the humans get outsmarted by a seven year old...
Also - next downtime install a remote controlled off switch. Right?
by Lollie posted 9 years ago
This is really quite a compelling show overall, though has a few silly moments...anyway have to say that child humanix/little robot guy Ethan is brilliant - I usually don't like kids in shows, but he's really a great actor. Draws you in, and makes you care for his survival.
by latitude75 posted 9 years ago
If you clearly missed the point of the entire season perhaps you need to see it again unless you alien?
by hippotek posted 9 years ago
Hmmm, I thought Extant was pretty promisng up until the season finale, which was just terrible. Bad acting combined with a stroy full of holes...
by Suasor posted 9 years ago
I agree on Under the Dome. I gave up after a few eps of the second season. Extant, on the other hand, kept getting better and better as it went along. Did not look like there would be a second season, so it's all good.
That robot is sneaky but not very smart.
*sigh* and then the humans get outsmarted by a seven year old...
Also - next downtime install a remote controlled off switch. Right?
Tissues or issues? You're in a special mood today?
Still a terrible actress imo. ;)