Join HGTV Canada in its quest to pay it forward in a heartwarming, emotional new series, Family Home Overhaul. In each episode, host Cheryl Hickey (ET Canada), introduces a family that has been nominated by their community for always giving back despite any hardships they personally encounter. Together with Cheryl, 14 of HGTV Canada's top contractors and designers pair up to meet the family, tour their property and learn exactly what is needed to transform this family's life in their home. They'll tackle each project with the homeowners in mind, getting down to the studs and uncovering any issues that could threaten the family's future. With the help of friends and neighbours, these renovations are perfectly customized to reflect each family's unique needs. When the family returns, they celebrate their stunning newly renovated home surrounded by the community and reno team that made it happen.
Sorry, no info about the next episode of Family Home Overhaul is available yet.
The TV show is either in vacation or waiting to start their new season. When information about future episodes becomes available, it will be posted here.