The series, described as a dark adult drama which mixes multiple genres, is set in the sleepy Arctic town of Fortitude, whose close-knit community is shaken up by the brutal murder of a British research scientist. Leading the investigation is local Sheriff Dan Anderssen, who is joined by British detective DCI Milton Caldwell.
Violence comes to the isolated town of Fortitude in the Arctic Circle, one of the safest towns on Earth. As mysterious phenomena plague the town in the aftermath of a murder, the inhabitants realize that no one can be trusted... and all is not that it seems.
A small, remote town with a small number of townspeople? Checked.
People having deep and fucked up secrets? Checked.
A murder that shackes the whole town? Checked.
Now that we have that out of the way, let me say that this is a really great series with an amazing, soul crushing atmosphere. The acting is stellar, you never know whom you can or can't trust, and the story... Is plausible. To some extent. By that I mean that the second half of the show takes a different, strange turn. They didn't exactly explain everything in the first season, which could make some people feel underwhelmed. I personally found the entire first season ranging from excellent to enjoyable, mostly due to some understatements in the story. But I still say that everyone should at least check it out just for the atmosphere.
Violence comes to the isolated town of Fortitude in the Arctic Circle, one of the safest towns on Earth. As mysterious phenomena plague the town in the aftermath of a murder, the inhabitants realize that no one can be trusted... and all is not that it seems.
A small, remote town with a small number of townspeople? Checked.
People having deep and fucked up secrets? Checked.
A murder that shackes the whole town? Checked.
Now that we have that out of the way, let me say that this is a really great series with an amazing, soul crushing atmosphere. The acting is stellar, you never know whom you can or can't trust, and the story... Is plausible. To some extent. By that I mean that the second half of the show takes a different, strange turn. They didn't exactly explain everything in the first season, which could make some people feel underwhelmed. I personally found the entire first season ranging from excellent to enjoyable, mostly due to some understatements in the story. But I still say that everyone should at least check it out just for the atmosphere.