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Frozen Planet
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Frozen Planet

Set in the Arctic and Antarctic, the BBC documentary Frozen Planet will explore the impacts of climate change on arctic species like polar bears and arctic wolves.

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Aired on:
60 min.
5/5 (6 ratings)
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as David Attenborough


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by posted
David Attenbourgh his narrating can be annoying, his madagascar docu was awful, he overpronunciated and laid his accent on really thick. I think John Hurt did much better in Human Planet. But anyhow Frozen planet really is a gem. Seeing the greatest penguin belly flop and an awesome battle between the bisons & wolves and bull musk oxen and the careful hunt of the killer whale
by posted
Give it a few weeks (honestly) then MVGroup should release them all in 1080.
by posted
What exactly are people saying about David Attenborough? I thought the man was a living legend.

Also if someone knows where to find episode 5 in 720p, It would be greatly appreciated. I haven't been able to locate it from the public trackers.
by posted
I've seen 3 eps! People can say what they want about David Attenborough, but i'm a huge fan :)
Loads of nice slow motion clips, really good footage. Watch with 720p!
by posted
I love this show!!
by posted
Frozen Planet

Frozen Planet takes you on the ultimate polar expedition. This landmark series brings to the screen the frozen wildernesses of the Arctic and Antarctic as you have never seen them before, and may never see them again...

I don't have a fancy banner to go with the topic so maybe a mod can sort that out? - Just did.

I download my shows as AVI rips, but with this series I had to make an exception. This is just the most beautiful and hypnotic documentary I've ever seen. I know the idea of watching ice and snow for an hour might sound really boring, but I have noticed that I've put off watching regular shows for watching this. I simply cannot recommend this enough, even if you're not a fan of nature documentaries, you should watch it, it's just that well shot! Also I would like to add that it's nice to watch a show about arctic and antarctic without the necessary climate propaganda.

If you don't believe me, believe your own eyes and watch this trailer (in HD!).