The series chronicles a janitor by day, world-ranked gamer by night who is tasked with preventing the extinction of humans after mysterious visitors from the future declare him to be the key to defeating the imminent super-race invasion.
When I first started watching the show, I couldn't understand how Derek Wilson wasn't a huge star. He steals just about every scene (plus it helps that Wolf is a brilliant character).
by merc posted 4 years ago
only just got round to watching this show. very imaginative and one of the best
by z1rra_1 posted 4 years ago
The seasons deteriorated year by year but it was still extremely funny. Please give spin off show of Wolf in the 80s.
by some_one posted 4 years ago
Welp; it is over.
Last season was IMO not quite as hilarious, but immensely satisfying.
Last season was IMO not quite as hilarious, but immensely satisfying.
Really good sendoff. Great show.
Just a few more days! :D
This is probably the best show that also happens to be complete trash that I have ever watched...
Damn that trailer looks great.
Just a few more days! :D