Described as a sort of comedic X-Files, Ghosted centers on Leroy Wright, a cynical, hilarious skeptic, and Max Allison, a genius "true believer" in the paranormal, who are hired by the Underground Investigative Service to look into the rampant "unexplained" activity in Los Angeles - all while uncovering a larger mystery that could threaten the existence of the human race.
Described as a sort of comedic X-Files, Ghosted centers on Leroy Wright, a cynical, hilarious skeptic, and Max Allison, a genius "true believer" in the paranormal, who are hired by the Underground Investigative Service to look into the rampant "unexplained" activity in Los Angeles - all while uncovering a larger mystery that could threaten the existence of the human race.
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Looks fun to me, pretty strong start, and some faces I already recognise and like from other shows.
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Looks fun to me, pretty strong start, and some faces I already recognise and like from other shows.