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Girls Band Cry Season 1 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1Tokyo Hype
2Three Night Owls
3Stumbling Conversation
4Gratitude (Surprise!)
5Raise Your Voice
6A Tribute to the Outcasts
7Giving It a Name
8If You Should Cry
9Waning Moon Riding High
11The Center of the World
12The Sky Darkens Further Still
13Rock and Roll Will Never Die
SpecialNameless Name MV
Specialno rhyme nor reason MV
Specialwhite drizzle in gloom MV
SpecialIdeal Paradox MV
SpecialBleeding Hearts MV
SpecialPiercing the dawn of time MV
SpecialAnswer to Extreme MV
SpecialHurtful and Painful MV
SpecialLonely fate to be destined MV
SpecialUnderneath MV