Gotham Knights is based on Gotham Knights characters from the DC comics created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger. In the wake of Bruce Wayne's murder, his rebellious adopted son forges an unlikely alliance with the children of Batman's enemies when they are all framed for killing the Caped Crusader. And as the city's most wanted criminals, this renegade band of misfits must fight to clear their names. But in a Gotham with no Dark Knight to protect it, the city descends into the most dangerous it's ever been. However, hope comes from the most unexpected of places as this team of mismatched fugitives will become its next generation of saviors known as the Gotham Knights.
I had a good time watching this redic series, what more can you ask for from entertainment than to be entertained :cool:
by mrverene posted 1 year ago
I thought the bones of the story were fine if the cw just didn't have to cringe everything up so much
by some_one posted 1 year ago
This show was weird. Seemed as if most of the cast was trying really hard to make it work while the writers had... other ambitions, if any. Decent enough ending though. Could have gotten another chance.
by TheFizza posted 1 year ago
OMG, I was just catching up on Gotham Knights and I just realized that that's Ethan Embry as Cluemaster!
by mrverene posted 1 year ago
Oh no, Cressida, I'm so sorry. I was so caught up in this conversation that I missed the dozen people, one of whom is using a cane and has been out of the hospital for less than a day, walking up behind you in this well lit clearing of this quiet wood. and now look, you're all stabbed and dead and stuff. damn this full moon and my sharp teenager eyes and hearing! how could they have possibly found us after we ran through here in a straight line for like 30 seconds? they must be wizards!
by TheFizza posted 1 year ago
I can't believe this is one of the shows I'm excited for weekly... it's cheesier thanSister Boniface and I'm loving it!
by DOCRLK posted 1 year ago
I liked Gotham Knights till they decided to add a narrator in episode 5 I thought it was the dumbest idea I ever saw
by mrverene posted 1 year ago
Welp it's officially a bog-standard CW show now ftl. I like that they were more concerned about Harper pulling a criminal job than her having dated a guy who looks to be like 15 years older.
by TheFizza posted 1 year ago
Okay, I'm a BatFAM fan and as such I find it kind of annoying that most of the FAM used here are actually from lower income backgrounds or the outright Bowery yet here all the characters, even the suburbanite avenger Steph Brown, are basically rich in the GKUmeanwhile Carrie, who's at this school on 'scholarship' is the daughter of a doctor... Ummm, okay first the ginger erasure and now none of them are really poor aside from the Rows.
If this show wasn't sooo dumbit'sfun I don't know if I'd be down for all the less advantaged young adults being criminals (petty or not). But until it stops being a good time, I can't wait for more to laugh and complain about. Speaking of, how many people died running into traffic for that cash :/
Also, just based on what I've seen in the show I'm calling Lincoln March as a leader of the Court (at least this season) and Harvey's shrink is a member. That's all just theory :cool:
by Yrg posted 1 year ago
Y'all spitting facts and 2 and 1st episode didn't really do it for me. I'm a dc fan till I die so all content I gotta watch to see if they helpin or hurting my fav franchise. Borderline we need some new producers. Except for the flash I love it. And Titans need to hurry up no lie. Follow me on Tik tok @Ghzt
If this show wasn't sooo dumb it's fun I don't know if I'd be down for all the less advantaged young adults being criminals (petty or not). But until it stops being a good time, I can't wait for more to laugh and complain about. Speaking of, how many people died running into traffic for that cash :/
Also, just based on what I've seen in the show I'm calling Lincoln March as a leader of the Court (at least this season) and Harvey's shrink is a member. That's all just theory :cool: