This show is based on Stephen King's novella, "The Colorado Kid", and centers on a small town in Maine called Haven where cursed people try to live normal lives in exile. As their curses start coming back, FBI Agent Audrey Parker is sent in to try and control the forces and try to unravel the mysteries of the town.
It's really two 13 episode blocks (one for 2014 and one for 2015). One could say they renewed for two more years, but will shoot all 26 episodes back to back (over about seven months). Cheaper that way, and Haven is one of their most successful shows.
by pablo-pancho posted 10 years ago
Orlando said:
That anyone uses me as a point of reference is beyond me.
You see? You're starting to be influential!
I like Haven but I'll be first to admit it isn't for its quality writing... It is more about those three actors that have good chemistry together. 26 eps is really better than I'd ever expect.
by Orlando posted 10 years ago
That anyone uses me as a point of reference is beyond me.
by Lovsan posted 10 years ago
bad, i just figured that most stuff orlando likes are bad and what orlando hates are good in my opinion :D
no offense, every1 has their own taste :)
by Katy posted 10 years ago
was shocked to see this come across twitter, expected another season but not 26 eps
by xrnzaaas posted 10 years ago
Wow, W13 fans must be sad that they got only 6 eps.
You see? You're starting to be influential!
I like Haven but I'll be first to admit it isn't for its quality writing... It is more about those three actors that have good chemistry together. 26 eps is really better than I'd ever expect.
no offense, every1 has their own taste :)