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Heybot! Season 1 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1HeyBot Is Born with a Hey-Boom!
2Screw-Ya Versus VocaReemans!
3Scary-Scary! It`s My First Scary Story!
4The Art of the Bonehead! How to Raise a Screw Tree!
5Hey, Heybot`s Missing, Y`Know!
6Rushing Out! The VocaBattle Race!
7Heybot Makes More with a Sneeze!
8Decisive Battle! Groovy-Groovy Island!
9Heybot`s a Baby, Burble!
10Saturn Is Hell!
11Mystery! The Cursed Screw Island
12Heybot`s You-Know-What Is Swollen
13Scrape, Plop
14A Bonehead Castaway`s Tale?!
15The Screw Island Chronicle Scroll
16Danger! It`s Vocammy`s Turn!
17Where There`s a Screw, There`s a Bonehead
18Nejiru Goes to School
19Let`s Rock to Steaming Rock-and-Roll!
20Heybot-Style Kitchen Battle?!
21Pixels That Bug Up Time
22Riscrewing Sun!
23They`re After the Screw Soul!
24Big Brother x Little Brother
25The Shooting Star That Slipped Up and Flopped
26Prince of Imochin
27Heybot and Peyket`s Trip Through Hell
28Farewell, My Beloved Moekath!
29It`s Just Fine! It`s Totally Awesome!
30I Can`t Forget
32Kidnapping, Youcapping, Catburglaring?!
33Brush Your Teeth! Beef, Runaway Cavities!
34Screwed Away
35The Call of Innsmouth Beach
36The Flip, Flip, Flip of Love!
37Do Cyber-Rats Dream of Loser Vocabots?
38When All Twelve Are Together, Things Get Serious!
39Queen Naguri Returns!
40The Courtroom Files of Lawyer Vocammy!
41The Bonehead Style Grand Getaway!
42We Are Screws
43Screw Fist VocaFest in Screw Island!
44Heybot: The Movie! Wait, What`s That?
45Jaggy-Jaggy the Screw Mountain
46Working Screws
47Everything Becomes N
48Screw Island`s Last Day
49Goodbye, Heybot
50The World of Sunday