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House of Anubis Season 2 Episodes Guide and Summaries

EpisodeEpisode NameAir Date
1House of Hello
2House of Dolls
3House of Spirits
4House of Blackmail
5House of Rivals
6House of Faces
7House of Myths
8House of Nightmares
9House of Combinations
10House of Heartbreak
11House of Tunnels
12House of Goodbye
13House of Protection
14House of Letters
15House of Who?
16House of Frauds
17House of Chance
18House of Divides
19House of Crushes
20House of Vertigo
21House of Pressure
22House of Deja Vu
23House of Hoods
24House of Deceit
25House of Sibuna
26House of Payback
27House of Pendulums
28House of Impasse
29House of Help
30House of Phobias
31House of Isis
32House of Curfews
33House of Dead-Ends
34House of Webs
35House of Fronts
36House of Keepers
37House of Hacks
38House of Stings
39House of Double-Cross
40House of Wires
41House of Envy
42House of Names
43House of Evidence
44House of Genius
45House of Accusation
46House of Hasty
47House of Sorry
48House of Hex
49House of Silence
50House of Warnings
51House of Status
52House of Laments
53House of Heists
54House of Alibis
55House of Oblivion
56House of Snoops
57House of Reflections
58House of Stooges
59House of Zodiacs
60House of Reckoning
61House of Trades
62House of Magic
63House of Tricks
64House of Whispers
65House of Duplicity
66House of Hauntings
67House of Collections
68House of Speculations
69House of Sabotage
70House of Nine Lives
71House of Forgeries
72House of Hijack
73House of Freeze
74House of Timeout
75House of Reflectors
76House of Illusion
77House of Dreams
78House of Pitfalls
79House of Phantoms
80House of Surrender
81House of Strategy
82House of Memory
83House of Pretenders
84House of Trouble
85House of Traps
86House of Stakes
87House of Missions
88House of Captives
89House of The Chosen
90House of Freedom