Into the Badlands is a genre-bending martial arts series very loosely based on the classic Chinese tale "Journey to the West." In a land controlled by feudal barons, Into the Badlands tells the story of a great warrior and a young boy who embark on a journey across a dangerous land to find enlightenment.
I hate the karate kid though, show would be better without those bits.
by Lollie posted 7 years ago
by HomerS posted 7 years ago
Glad it's back!
by HomerS posted 8 years ago
Whut only 6 episodes first season? Yep hopefully it's gonne be picked up.
I'm still at episode 5 but still very much enjoying it.
by z1rra posted 8 years ago
And it's already gone. Still loved it though. Really hope this gets picked up for another season.
by Lollie posted 8 years ago
This is an awesome new series, really love the bad guy character (Quinn), he's so twisted. I'm a sucker for bad guys :)
by z1rra posted 8 years ago
Yeah, kinda agreed, it's far more decent than I expected it to be. For some obscure reason, Legend of the Seeker comes to mind although this is definitely somewhat darker.
by Moze posted 8 years ago
I had low expectations of this series, but man it's been a blast to watch so far (ep4) The fight scenes are very well done by a serie standard, it's bloody and brutal, and the story has some appeal. Looking forward to the next episodes.
A new AMC series by the creators of Smallville with alot of Martial Arts, can this work? Yes, yes it can. Watched the first 3 episodes and so far i really like it. It's pretty brutal and looks like it could be based on another comic series?
I'm still at episode 5 but still very much enjoying it.
A new AMC series by the creators of Smallville with alot of Martial Arts, can this work? Yes, yes it can. Watched the first 3 episodes and so far i really like it. It's pretty brutal and looks like it could be based on another comic series?
Anyway i'm gonna check out more, so far so good.